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Hoff the Chain #311


Position: Blocker


Why did you pick your derby name and number?

Hoff is my last name so it's a play on words..."Hoff the Chain" instead of "Off the Chain". I've had to explain to some people what "Off the Chain" means. I picked my number because my husband's birthday is March 11.


Year started playing derby:  2010


Birthday: December 29


Favorite Foods: Chicken parmesan, spaghetti, Chick Fil A 


Favorite ice cream:  Ben & Jerry's Red Velvet Cake or just strawberry


Likes: Weekends, traveling, skating, sweet tea


Dislikes: Cold weather, slow people driving in the left lane, waking up early


Hobbies: Roller derby, running races, fun runs and obstacle courses, rock concerts, CrossFit, reading psychological thrillers.


What do you like about roller derby?

There are sooooo many things I love about derby! After starting derby I gained self-confidence, athletism, and many new friends.


What is your most impressive derby injury?

I haven't really had that many. Just a lot of bruises. 


Do you have any advice for people thinking about trying derby?

Do it. If it turns out to be something you really enjoy, don't give up. It takes time and determination but anyone can do it.



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